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File List | 1992-01-28 | 20.8 KB | 223 lines |
- 10_MORE.ZIP 23670 04/28/91 Packet of ANSI screens with ANSI music & WC 3.x @codes@ 023
- 2&3CODES.ZIP 40965 05/21/91 A list of the screen codes for Wildcat 2.x and 3.0 023
- 2DAYDN20.ZIP 46599 08/16/91 2DAYDOWN v2.0 List files downloaded Today For WC! 3.x 023
- 2DAYUP20.ZIP 47046 08/20/91 Creates display file showing daily uploads. For WC! 3.x 023
- 300LAST.ZIP 25410 08/19/90 WC! 3.x util makes bulletin of last 300 users. V1.0 023
- ACOLOR50.ZIP 13343 06/09/91 AColor v5.0ß Utility to add color to text files WC! 3.0 023
- ACTPASS.ZIP 22236 06/28/91 ACTPASS Create key for ActView ... Released by Author WC 3 023
- ACTV320.ZIP 83533 08/25/91 ActView v3.2 Wildcat! Activity Log Viewer/Analyzer WC 3.x 023
- ACTV321.ZIP 83503 08/25/91 Actview v3.21 Activity viewer / scanner Bug Fix 023
- ACTV322.ZIP 87006 08/25/91 Actview v3.22 Wildcat! Activity Log Viewer/Analyzer 023
- ALLSDI.ZIP 14170 12/07/91 ALLSDI Add DESC.SDI/FILE_ID.DIZ to ALL WC3x+ files 023
- ANS2WLD2.ZIP 9673 11/20/91 ANS2WLD v2.0 Convert ANSI files to Wildcat! 3.0 format 023
- ATTACHE.ZIP 18132 12/10/91 WC3.x SysOp util reports messages w/attached files Ver 1.00 023
- AUTODESC.ZIP 25025 12/05/91 AUTODESC Adds file descriptions automatically on upload WC3 023
- AVB10.ZIP 69181 06/11/90 AVB v1.0 ANSI voting Booth Screens can be judged! WC 3.x 023
- AVIEW61C.ZIP 65762 01/27/90 AVIEW V6.1 Online archive viewer for Wildcat 3.0 023
- AVIEW61D.ZIP 66272 01/27/90 AVIEW v6.1D Online achive viewer and utility for WC 3.x 023
- BICAT41S.ZIP 101628 01/12/92 BICATS 4.1 Bimodem to WC! v3.xx interface Bug Fix! 023
- BICAT42S.ZIP 102446 01/17/92 BICATS 4.02 Bimodem to WC! v3.xx interface 01/17/92 023
- BIGLIST.ZIP 12728 11/29/91 BIGLIST Creates files list from UNLIMITED size database WC3 023
- BOBCAT3M.ZIP 144485 09/25/91 BOBCAT v3.0M A Call Back Verifier for WC 3.x Multi-Line 023
- BOBCAT3S.ZIP 144229 09/25/91 BOBCAT v3.0S A Call Back Verifier for WC 3.x Single-Line 023
- BOBCT20M.ZIP 141106 08/03/91 BOBCAT v2.0M A Call Back Verifier for WC 3.x Multi-Line 023
- BOBCT20S.ZIP 140856 08/03/91 BOBCAT v2.0S A Call Back Verifier for WC 3.x Single Line 023
- BOBST12.ZIP 11067 09/15/91 BOBSTAT v1.2 Bulletin generator for BOBCAT WC 3.x 023
- BOBSTAT.ZIP 10962 09/15/91 BOBSTAT v1.0 Create a display file for BOBCAT CBV stats! 023
- BTLQW32.ZIP 238691 08/01/91 BTLQW v3.2 Create Relational Queries for WC3.0 023
- BUILDCAT.ZIP 34871 09/04/91 Adds Files to the RunLater.TXT file for Catscan2 WC! 3.x 023
- CALL402.ZIP 48130 09/13/91 CALLYZER v4.0 Activity Analyzer that creates bulletins. WC3 023
- CATBUL1.ZIP 43819 11/08/91 CATBUL v1.0 Convert text files into @CODES@ for WC 3.x 023
- CATCL21B.ZIP 66932 11/09/91 CATCALLS v2.1 Complete dialing companion for Telix/WC v3 023
- CATCLR.ZIP 3640 11/23/91 Batch help for use with CATCOLOR and WC 3.x display files 023
- CATCOLOR.ZIP 54689 05/17/91 CATCOLOR v1.11 Viewer for Wildcat! 3.x @-coded color files 023
- CATFILES.ZIP 15004 09/29/91 CATFILES for WC 3.x A Fast WC 3.x files list program 023
- CATFLS3X.ZIP 18434 09/25/91 CATFILES Creates an ALLFILES type list for WILDCAT 3.x 023
- CATGIF.ZIP 12172 10/24/91 CATGIF Scans GIF dir and adds the header info into WC 3.x 023
- CATLOG30.ZIP 51798 08/18/91 CatLog v3.0 Activity log analyzer for WC! 3.x Now Multi-Node 023
- CATLOG40.ZIP 65244 11/11/91 CatLog v4.00 - Activity Log Reporter/Bulletin Generator 023
- CATSCANR.ZIP 150836 08/21/91 CATSCAN v1.0r Scan Files when uploaded and more! WC3 023
- CATSCANS.ZIP 151277 08/21/91 Archive scanner for WC v3 key good until Feb 92' 023
- CATST20A.ZIP 48092 09/16/91 CATSTAT v2.0 Creates bulletin of door stats and more! WC3.x 023
- CDHELP.ZIP 8639 11/12/91 How to Load CD files into WILDCAT 3.0 023
- CDRPATH.ZIP 18694 05/17/91 CDRPATH v.50 BETA sets "On CD-ROM" flag and dir in WC 3.x 023
- CHATMODE.ZIP 6670 09/15/91 Text file on how to use the Wildcat 3.0 inter-node CHAT! 023
- CHATON.ZIP 11432 01/15/92 WCAT3.0+, reset all user records to 'chat available'. Fast. 023
- CIMEX.ZIP 17317 08/19/90 Import/Export Conference Desc's to text file. WC! 3.x 023
- CLOCK1.ZIP 38536 12/14/91 Create @CODE@, ANSI, ASCII displays from Activity log 023
- COLORHLP.ZIP 45254 06/12/91 Coded help screens for Wildcat 3.0 023
- CONVDISP.ZIP 22209 08/19/90 Convert old Ansi screens from Wildcat 2.x to Wildcat 3.0 023
- CONVDISQ.ZIP 50707 08/19/90 Another screen converter for Wildcat 3.0 023
- CONVFILE.ZIP 39176 05/21/91 A Wildcat 2.xx - 3.0 file database converter... 023
- CP100A.ZIP 35527 12/12/91 Doorfile conversion / control utility for Wildcat! 3.xx 023
- CVTWCT10.ZIP 9007 08/06/91 Utility to convert WCTEXT.XXX to Ascii text file for WC 3.x 023
- DATAV20E.ZIP 51725 10/20/91 DataView v2.0E Archive file viewer for BBS's w/ DOOR.SYS 023
- DATAV22C.ZIP 85376 01/03/92 DATAVIEW v2.2C Archive file viewer for Wildcat v3 023
- DAYSLEFT.ZIP 19310 11/15/90 DaysLeft Creates a Display file of days til Christmas 023
- DBWC30WM.ZIP 14515 11/27/91 This is my various configs for the new Wildcat setup.... 023
- DOORSEC.ZIP 7448 10/31/91 DOORSEC Runs a DOOR for an EXACT security level in WC 3.x 023
- DOORTIME.ZIP 5598 09/29/91 DOORTIME Will restrict a DOOR to any given time period WC3x 023
- DRAWCAT.ZIP 33070 11/19/91 DrawCat v1.0 Draw screens with @CODES@ for WC 3.xx 023
- DROPCL12.ZIP 36414 10/10/91 Drop Carrier Lister v1.2 Will list user who Dropped WC 3.x 023
- DROP_MSG.ZIP 13074 11/14/91 DROP-MSG Creates USERxxx.BBS to user who drops carrier WC 3 023
- DSTAT.ZIP 20601 08/19/90 WC! 3.x Door Stats bulletin maker. V1.0 023
- DUPEFILE.ZIP 20697 08/19/90 DUPEFILE v1.01 Sysop utility detect dup/similar files WC3x 023
- DUPMSG1.ZIP 50992 11/15/91 DupMsg v1.0 Finds and deletes duplicate messages from WC3.x 023
- DUP_U_30.ZIP 20174 08/19/90 Dupe User for Wildcat 3.0 scans ALLUSERS.DAT to find dupes 023
- EDEVENT.ZIP 27284 08/19/90 EDEVENT v1.01 Sysop Util to edit NODE EVENT files WC 3.x 023
- EQT20.ZIP 43817 09/14/91 Environment Quick Tips for WC! 3.x and 2.x! Bull, Hello etc. 023
- EVTIME20.ZIP 5977 10/03/91 EVTIME v2.0 Reads DOOR.SYS for time to next event WC 3.x 023
- FDN_0201.ZIP 17314 01/13/92 File Distribution Network - Newsletter 01/13/92 includes WDN 023
- FILEFLAG.ZIP 19206 05/17/91 FileFlag v.51 Beta Use to set the File Flags in WC 3.x 023
- FILEPROB.ZIP 12297 10/07/91 FILEPROB Checks WC 3.x file Database aginst HD etc.. 023
- FILESBBS.ZIP 20136 08/19/90 FILESBBS v1.0 Creates a FILES.BBS D'BRIDGE File list! WC 3 023
- FIMEX.ZIP 17520 08/19/90 Import/Export file area descriptions to a text file. WC! 3.x 023
- FINDUSER.ZIP 24753 08/19/90 WC! 3.x Sysop util searches 14 fields in user record. V1.0 023
- FIREWORK.ZIP 3988 11/26/91 WILDCAT 3.x Firework display with clock from MUSTANG 023
- FIXFILE.ZIP 10768 12/07/91 FIXFILE Will rebuild your ALLFILES.DAT if corrupted 023
- FLIPCAT.ZIP 22977 11/18/91 FLIPCAT v1.01 Rotate ANY screen in BBS in one pass.. WC 2-3 023
- FLOP.ZIP 32612 05/17/91 FLOP v3.12 WC! 3.x Sysop util: File list output program. 023
- FREEDOWN.ZIP 24009 10/21/91 FREEDOWN v1.05 Creates a Listing of FREE D/L files in WC 3 023
- FREELOG.ZIP 15203 10/26/91 FREELOG Create a list of who has D/L Free files WC 3.x 023
- FRESHALL.ZIP 10539 10/28/91 FRESHALL Freshen your WC 3.0 Files Database with Dos Values 023
- FRESHEN.ZIP 11130 10/27/91 FRESHEN Freshen your Files Database with Date/Time WC 3.x 023
- FSTAT_30.ZIP 21491 08/19/90 F-STAT for Wildcat 3.0 creates file area statistics 023
- GIFCAT.ZIP 52923 01/19/92 WC3/GIF utils! Auto-add GIF INTERNAL DESCRIP to WC uploads! 023
- HELLOBBS.ZIP 45378 08/10/91 BBS Daily Activity Report screen generator for WC! 3.x 023
- HSBATS.ZIP 1643 11/12/91 Send and receive batch files for HS/LINK on WC 3.x 023
- HS_WC301.ZIP 3545 12/30/91 Install and batch file info to install HS/LINK in WC v3! 023
- KSUTIL.ZIP 25155 09/29/91 Karl Schnieder's DOC's for his WC 3.x Utilities.. 023
- LASTRANS.ZIP 172081 09/30/91 LASTRANS v1.0 Creates screen with Last mail x-fer info WC3 023
- LOPPER3.ZIP 35867 07/19/91 Activity log scanner/trimmer for Wildcat 3.0 023
- LVCAT313.ZIP 323801 07/07/91 LiveCat v3.1 Test Drive for Wildcat 3.0 023
- MBULL11.ZIP 97926 08/21/91 MAKEBULL v1.1 Bulletin Generator for WC 3.x 023
- MBULL12.ZIP 98298 09/01/91 MakeBull V1.2 WC! 3.x Bulletin/Hello/Disp made easy. 023
- MEMODAT1.ZIP 11230 11/20/91 MEMODATE List user memo dates. All or only passed dates WC3 023
- MKAREA35.ZIP 53607 08/07/91 Creates the AREAS.BBS file for running Wildmail 023
- MMENU01.ZIP 7639 08/31/91 MAKEMenu v0.1 Export menus from MAKEWILD.DAT WC 3.x 023
- MSI_FPI.TXT 4627 10/14/91 A text file about Mustang softwares acquisition of Qmodem! 023
- MSTAT.ZIP 26029 08/19/90 MSTAT v1.04 Creates Bulletin from active conferences WC 3.x 023
- MSTAT_30.ZIP 25115 08/19/90 M-STAT creates color bulletins listings of active areas. 023
- MWEXPORT.ZIP 28099 09/15/91 MWExport v3.0 Export your Makewild settings to text. WC 3.x 023
- NETBULL.ZIP 28458 08/19/90 NETBULL v1.12 Creates bulletins for WildMail for WC 3.x 023
- NEWKEY.ZIP 13704 10/15/91 NEWKEY.ZIP New key for CATSCAN good through Dec 1991 023
- NEWUSER3.ZIP 66854 06/17/90 NewUser v2.0 Create screen of Newusers in last 30days WC3 023
- NODEUP.ZIP 16797 11/23/91 Netmail Lines show Waiting For Calls in the [W]ho for WC 3.x 023
- NOTHERE.ZIP 9560 09/11/91 NOTTHERE Finds Files in WC 3 Databsae that aren't on Disk! 023
- NR107.ZIP 102040 09/13/91 NewsRoom v1.07 Creates Newsletter with @CODES@ for WC 3.x 023
- OFFLINE.ZIP 15359 11/09/91 OFFLINE Fast files listing for files stored Offline WC 3.x 023
- PACKLOG.ZIP 11640 10/29/91 PACKLOG Save Activity logs in Date/Compresssed format WC3.x 023
- PBLAST10.ZIP 3523 08/22/91 PROMPT BLASTER Blows by Prompts in WC 3.x 023
- PM9600SA.ZIP 1745 07/18/91 A modem file for use with the PM9600SA and Wildcat 3.0 023
- PROM0110.ZIP 319195 01/10/92 Pony ROM v1.0 - CDRom Download Door for WC v3 023
- PROSTP12.ZIP 14136 09/25/91 PROSTRIP v1.1 Pulls apart WCPRO's Stats for sep. screens WC3 023
- PROWLNET.ZIP 24502 12/10/91 Join PROWL Net! WILDCAT Network created by Ron Woods 023
- PUTDESC.ZIP 14209 11/24/91 Easily add DESC.SDI descrip to .ZIP for u/l to WC w/AUTODESC 023
- PUTON.ZIP 18740 11/25/91 Turn 'Off-Line' flag for any WC database file on or off. 023
- QKDOOR2F.ZIP 51121 05/01/90 QKDoor v2.F Convert WC 3.x & 2.x to every door style out! 023
- QM_WC2&3.ZIP 3813 06/10/91 Qmodem 4.2 Script for WC! 2.x znd 3.x, Includes fast logon. 023
- QUESTRIP.ZIP 21469 11/24/91 QUESTRIP v1.0 Delete blank lines in Questionaire file WC.3 023
- REMOTE51.ZIP 31668 10/20/91 REMOTE CONTROL v5.1 Use to work on BBS while remote! 023
- RONSCALL.ZIP 58396 11/19/91 RONSCALL v3.20 Who called bulletin generator for WC 3.x 023
- RONSETUP.ZIP 15061 11/27/91 TFP's collection of CONFIG's, BATCH's, etc.. for DB, WC etc. 023
- RONSSTAT.ZIP 52907 11/19/91 RONSTAT v3.20 Stat bulletin generator for WC 3.x 023
- SCANTST1.ZIP 6727 11/19/91 SCANTEST Batch file to run in the SCANFILE.BAT WC 3.xx 023
- SCR2BBS.ZIP 14533 09/02/91 WC 2.x to WC 3.x Display file conversion program. V1.1 023
- SELECTOR.ZIP 22300 08/19/90 Sysop util for WC! 3.x Globally open/close user conf's. V1.0 023
- SETCONF.ZIP 9486 12/15/91 WC3: Return users to any specified conference after logoff! 023
- SF0BYTE.ZIP 44961 12/29/91 SF0BYTE 0 byte file generator for use with WILDCAT! v3 023
- SLS10.ZIP 12760 09/15/91 SLS v1.0 Security Level Sorter for WC! 3.x 023
- SORTCONF.ZIP 23376 08/19/90 SORTCONF v1.01 Make an alpha listing of confs in WC! 3.x 023
- STARTUP.ZIP 16865 04/28/90 STARTUP v1.0 Shut down DV windows for events WC 3.x 023
- STATS.ZIP 1833 09/09/91 A nice little user Stats screen for Hello/Bull screen. WC 3 023
- STATS140.ZIP 33727 11/11/91 Stats Machine v1.4 Creates Statistics from Activity WC3.x 023
- STATS20.ZIP 44004 11/18/91 Stats Machine v2.0 Create stat screens from activity WC3.x 023
- SUPRSCAN.ZIP 55449 05/17/91 SUPRSCAN v3.02 BBS list viewer run as door.. WC 2.x - 3.x 023
- SWAPO11.ZIP 16264 09/17/91 SwapOrig v1.1 Wildmail util to randomly change origin line! 023
- SWAPSEC.ZIP 18378 08/19/90 Change user record to match new security profile name. V1.0 023
- TCAT301.ZIP 234283 10/14/91 TOMCAT v3.01 The FREEWARE version mail door for WC 3.x 023
- TCSCRN3.ZIP 12376 09/29/91 TCSCRN v3.0 Create display file from TOMCAT activity WC 3.x 023
- TDOOR30.ZIP 155694 07/30/91 Time Door v3.0 for Wildcat 3.0 023
- TDOOR301.ZIP 162168 07/30/91 TimeDoor v3.01 The Time Banking Door for WC 3.x 023
- TEXTRACT.ZIP 14700 08/19/90 WC 3.x utility extracts text from WCTEXT.DAT to file. V1.10 023
- TODAYDOR.ZIP 53770 05/17/91 TodayDor v3.02 BBS Door for for historical facts WC 3.x 023
- TOPDOWN.ZIP 17052 10/24/91 TOPDOWN Creats a Bulletin of TOP 10 Downloaded files WC 3.x 023
- TOPTEN11.ZIP 37637 10/27/91 TOPTEN v1.1 Create Letterman type Top 10 list Door for WC 3 023
- TS10.ZIP 71192 12/03/91 TOMCAT STATISTICS Tomcat Statistic Output Screen Generator 023
- TSCAN112.ZIP 29579 06/01/91 TranScan v1.12 File Scanner for Wildcat 3.0 023
- TSCAN200.ZIP 48932 06/01/91 TranScan v2.0 File Scanner for Wildcat 3.0 023
- TSCN220.ZIP 69524 12/29/91 TRANSCAN v2.20 Archive scanner for Wildcat v3 023
- TSCN224.ZIP 71443 01/03/92 TRANSCAN v2.24 -- Use in SCANFILE.BAT with WC v3.+ 023
- TSCN225.ZIP 74889 01/03/92 TRANSCAN v2.25 -- Use in SCANFILE.BAT with WC v3.+ 023
- TVDEM30B.ZIP 141948 09/04/91 TheVerifier v3.0b A Call Back Verifier for Wildcat 3.x 023
- TVDEMO30.ZIP 111055 06/28/91 TheVerifier Demo Call Back Verifier for WC! 3.x 023
- TVSTAT30.ZIP 11385 08/10/91 The Verifier Stats - .BBS/.SCR from TVLOG.DAT - WC! 3.x 023
- TVSTAT32.ZIP 11043 09/21/91 TVSTAT v3.2 Create a display file for TheVerifier CBV WC3.x 023
- UPDNWC30.ZIP 13366 10/16/91 UPDNWC30 Create stats on top Up/Down loaders for WC 3.x 023
- USAREADR.ZIP 21811 08/06/91 WC 2.x - 3.x USA Today News reader Door. No Reg Fee! 023
- USERINFO.ZIP 15651 10/22/91 USERINFO Create a condensed listing of all your users WC3 023
- USERUPS.ZIP 23387 10/26/91 USERUPS A Door sends the user a list of all files U/D by.. 023
- USTAT.ZIP 25526 05/17/91 USTAT v1.01 WC! 3.x User Stats Bulletin maker 023
- VFX20.ZIP 80108 08/29/91 Verifix V2.0 A Call Back Verifier for WC 3.x Expires 11/28 023
- VFX30.ZIP 95931 12/18/91 Verifix v3.0 Call Back Verifier for WC 3.x 023
- VFX301.ZIP 128853 01/19/92 VERIFIX v3.01 Call Back Verifier for Wildcat! 3.x+ BBSs 023
- VIEWERS.ZIP 39247 08/19/90 Viewer v1.6 simple viewer for Wildcat 3.0 file, and users 023
- VIEWPICK.ZIP 19107 08/19/90 VIEWPICK v3.0 Allow users to view inside archive online WC3 023
- VPAGE10.ZIP 17339 08/15/91 VISUAL PAGE v1.0 for WC! 3.x Nice Diversion! 023
- VPAGE12.ZIP 20160 10/21/91 VISUAL PAGE v1.2 A unique way to change your page. WC 3.x 023
- V_CAT335.ZIP 134592 10/14/91 VIEW-CAT v3.35 An online Archive viewer for WC 3.x 023
- V_CAT337.ZIP 137526 10/14/91 VIEW CAT v3.37 An online archive/file viewer WC 3.x 023
- V_CAT339.ZIP 135228 11/09/91 VIEW CAT v3.39 An online archive/file viewer WC 3 023
- WC30HELP.ZIP 91454 11/16/91 Official NEW help screens for Wildcat 3.xx 12/07/91 023
- WC30NODL.ZIP 11413 09/29/91 WC30NODL Sysop util to find un-downloaded files.. WC 3.x 023
- WC30REC.ZIP 29099 06/29/91 Wildcat 3.0 record & data structure. Mikie, this ones for yo 023
- WC30USER.ZIP 49679 11/04/91 A Wildcat 3.01 Users Guide written by Joe Martin 023
- WC30VIEW.ZIP 40109 09/29/91 WC30VIEW Allows users on-line to view inside archives WC 3 023
- WC3FDATE.ZIP 12972 12/11/91 WC3, List files w/ any given YEAR WC date, & D/L info! 023
- WC3FLIST.ZIP 18115 10/12/91 WC3FLIST Bug Fix release! A file list generator for WC 3.x 023
- WC3HELPS.ZIP 17044 08/29/91 EXEL Spreadsheets to help setting up WC! 3.x conferences. 023
- WC3PRESS.ZIP 3960 06/13/91 The official Wildcat 3.0 Press release infomation.. 023
- WC3SHOCK.ZIP 21695 09/05/91 WC! 3.x Users reference guide. Describes changes WC2 - WC3 023
- WC3TO2.ZIP 7862 03/18/91 WC3TO2 Coverts USERINFO.DAT to CALLINFO.BBS 023
- WC3U_INF.ZIP 15555 09/29/91 Make nice summary of users /w dupe PW, Phone, B/D WC! 3.x 023
- WC3_10UT.ZIP 150121 03/05/90 Collection of 10 utils for WC! 3.x from author! 023
- WCALL15.ZIP 82892 10/04/91 WILDCALL v1.5 Call Back Verifier for WC 3.x 023
- WCALL16.ZIP 85230 10/04/91 WILDCALL v1.6 Call Back Verifier for WC 3.x 023
- WCBULL10.ZIP 89457 09/13/91 WCBULL v1.0 A Bulletin to create the .BBS files for WC 3.x 023
- WCDR100U.ZIP 37462 06/28/91 WILDRAW v1.0 THEDRAW clone for creating WC 3.x .BBS screens 023
- WCFILE.ZIP 133605 07/21/91 Used to add files to your 3.0 will scan 3 types of info.. 023
- WCFLFWRD.ZIP 70536 08/01/91 WC File Forward v3.0 A TICK type utility for WC 3.x 023
- WCHELP.ZIP 29878 08/22/91 Collection of all the WILDCAT 3.x Help screens 023
- WCHSLINK.ZIP 31533 01/12/92 Add HSLink BIDIRECTIONAL up/dnloads to WC v3 Minor Changes! 023
- WCMODEM.ZIP 65115 12/20/91 WCMODEM - Modem configuration program for WC v3 023
- WCNWS100.ZIP 9957 01/22/92 WCNEWS v1.0 Newsletter creator uses @CODES@ for WC v3 023
- WCODE30C.ZIP 24754 05/30/91 TSR program to display screen codes for Wildcat 3.0 from TD 023
- WCONVERT.ZIP 25174 01/18/92 WCONVERT Wildcat! 3.x Display File Conversion Utilities 023
- WCOZLIST.ZIP 14268 10/06/91 WCLIST v1.0 Allfiles list producer reads ALLFILES.DAT WC3.x 023
- WCPRINT.ZIP 4933 10/31/91 WCPRINT Toggle your printer on and off in WC 3.x 023
- WCPUTGIF.ZIP 10600 10/23/91 WCPUTGIF Adds GIF header information after upload WC 3.x 023
- WCSTRIP.ZIP 31669 08/20/91 Public Domain program to strip WC 3.x color codes from .BBS 023
- WCSWAP10.ZIP 36456 10/21/91 Wildcat Swapper v1.0 Randomly rotates display screens 023
- WCT350.ZIP 68277 05/01/91 Today v.35 creates a bulletin of who called today. 023
- WCT351.ZIP 68219 05/01/91 Who Called Today v3.5 for WC 3.x - Creates Hello/Bulletin 023
- WCTEXT.ZIP 14323 08/23/91 The Actual WCTEXT file from the Wildcat Headquarters BBS 023
- WILDBATS.ZIP 41583 11/21/91 Wildbats v1.0 Helps create external protocol batches! 023
- WILDMAIL.ZIP 146515 07/18/91 Wildmail v1.01C. This is the Scan/Tosser for Wildcat 3.0. 023
- WILDNODE.ZIP 40466 08/01/91 Wildnode v1.0 Compiles the FIDO nodelist to be used in WC30 023
- WILDSCAN.ZIP 9222 09/29/91 WildScan Create Bulletins from Wildmail's activity log 023
- WILDVIEW.ZIP 11016 11/29/91 WILDVIEW v1.0 Wildcat v3 @SCREEN@ viewer utility 023
- WMAIL200.ZIP 185391 12/01/91 WILDMAIL v2.0 Mail tosser for Wildcat 3.xx 30 evaluation 023
- WMDUPER.ZIP 24508 10/15/91 WMDUPER v1.0 Util to reduce Wildmail's Dupe files to size 023
- WMFIX.ZIP 37289 09/19/91 Utility for using AreaFix and Wildmail together. 023
- WMFIX11.ZIP 11909 10/05/91 WMFIX v1.1 Utility for using AreaFix and Wildmail together. 023
- WMLOG.ZIP 39870 09/16/91 WMLOG v1 Creates a display file of WILDMAIL activities WC 3 023
- WMLOG11.ZIP 9931 12/16/91 Log reporter & Trimmer for Wildmail v2.xx 023
- WMSCAN1.ZIP 40182 09/05/91 WMSCAN v1.0 Wildmail Log Scanner for Daily logs. 023
- WMSTAT.ZIP 42553 10/15/91 WMSTAT v1.0 Beta A Wildmail Bulletin generator 023
- WUPGRADE.ZIP 79789 08/01/91 Here is the new WCUPGRADE to fix the File Database... 023
- XPIRDATE.ZIP 12026 09/29/91 XPIRDATE Compares Expiration dates in ALLUSERS.DAT WC 3.x 023
- YESTDY50.ZIP 127840 07/19/90 Who called Yeterday & Today v5 for Wildcat 3.0 023
- YESTRDY6.ZIP 202655 01/17/92 Yesterday and TodayCall v4.0 Log scanners for Wildcat! v3 023
- ZERO4ROM.ZIP 17622 01/01/92 The zero byte file-maker for CD-Roms and WC v3 023
- ZLABWC13.ZIP 220787 11/03/91 ZipLab v1.3 Online archive scanner/utility for WC 3.x 023